Thursday, 30 May 2013


A change of pace, for... a change (yeah, that was a bit redundant, as Jeff would say).

I'm a PC gamer. Please, let's not get started on the master race thing, OK? I'm not an obsessive gamer, although I have to agree with my wife when she says I occasionally get a little carried away. Still, I usually spend more time reading about games (and the gaming industry) than playing them.

And today I read a couple of pieces worth mentioning.

1. Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles Of Mystara Adds New Content
What interested me was not actually the theme itself, but rather this paragraph:
Most intriguingly, Capcom promises a "House Rules" option that allows players to alter the game's basic functionality in whatever way they see fit. Want more health pick ups? How about unbreakable equipment? Simply flick a toggle and you're suddenly swimming in inexplicably healthy chunks of meat while swinging a blade made of what appears to be Wolverine's shin bones.
Let me describe the train of thought that left station as I read this:
  • I may play games for a number of reasons, as diametrically opposed as "challenging myself" and "killing time". But the elusive concept of fun is definitely involved.
  • Fun is an elusive concept because it's a matter of personal taste.
  • Ergo, if it's a matter of personal taste and you want your game to be fun to the widest possible audience, what you need is to build personalization (aka, customization) into your game.
That's what's being described in the quote. Now, notice how the paragraph begins: "Most intriguingly". I find it both amazing and amusing that we, gamers (or, to put it another way, users of gaming software), are so used to having little to no meaningful customization that when we see it, we go "How quaint, how did they ever come up with this?". When the question being asked should obviously be: "Why on Earth isn't this totally widespread?".

An example: In Witcher 2, on Chapter 1, there is an encounter with a Kayran (a kind of swamp monster). I found this combat challenging, and it took me quite some time, and innumerous attempts, until I got past it.

Each failed attempt meant reloading a saved game. Because you can't save while you're in combat, you must save before. However, immediately before the combat you have a video (a cut-scene); since you can't save during the video, you must save before the video. So, every time you reload, you get a chance to "enjoy" the video again. You don't have to watch the whole thing every time, because you can skip your way through it, fortunately.

I don't mind repeating the same encounter until I get it right, and sometimes I even repeat it after I get it right, either to try different tactics or to check if I actually did get it right, instead of just getting lucky. But, and this is the important bit - that doesn't mean I should have no alternative. And it definitely doesn't mean I should have to repeatedly skip through a video everytime I load a saved game at a particular point.

How could this be solved? Simple, empower your users. Give them an option that says "automatically skip videos after seeing them once". Then, give them another option to review any video they have already seen (they may need a detail they missed earlier). And then, give them another option that says "Check this objective as completed". Yes, if I'm sick of running around the Kayran, positioning and dodging and hitting and what-not and just want to get on with the story, allow me the option to do so. If I find that this particular encounter is not fun, give me the option to bypass it and move on. Am I cheating? Probably, but that's my problem, right?

"Most intriguingly", indeed.

2. Interviewing Software Engineers
I've always looked suspiciously at some kinds of exams. On the top of my list is the typical certification exam, with questions like this:
What is the maximum capacity of the virtual memory fluxolator system in Xpto Enterprise Server

1. 100% of your available RAM
2. 200% of your available RAM
3. 50% of your available RAM
4. None of the above
And you answer "1". But, alas, that was in Xpto Enterprise Server Now, in Xpto Enterprise Server, that was changed to 200% because in some situations it can produce better performance in a system under heavy load, etc, etc, etc.

Why don't I believe in the usefulness of exams like this? Because when I hire a certified Xpto Enterprise Server administrator, all the "certified" proves is that he passed a memorization test. Maybe it was because he's an experienced individual, or maybe it's because he memorized a large part of the documentation (not a trivial accomplishment, obviously, but it's not the main skill I'd look for in an Xpto Enterprise Server administrator). But I digress...

In the article linked above, the author (Jason Taylor) divides bad interviews into categories. One in particular struck a chord as I read; and, by what he wrote, is also his "favorite": Unrepresentative.

You know, when you get a job interview (which is a kind of exam) for, say, business application development, and suddenly you're faced with the task of solving The Mayor of Uglyville's Dilemma. And you're thinking:
  • I know how to develop software;
  • I know how to gather requirements and create specs;
  • I know it's important to understand the user's language and business concepts, because that's the "common" language I'll have to use;
  • I have a good enough grasp of the design and development process, and I usually can identify when I'm getting blocked and ask for a co-worker's assistance;
  • I know I have to consider the queries I run against the DB, looking at the DB engine's query plan, and, for those cases where I expect there could be trouble, I know I should design stress tests, to measure performance;
  • I can identify other possible sources of contention, both external (say, invoking other platforms) and internal (say, the need for synchronization on multi-threaded access), and even if I don't have experience in designing solutions, I know enough about the subject to look them up or ask for hints on the subject.
So, the question is - why am I being asked to divide squares across an axis? Why am I not being examined on what is relevant for the job description?

Are these puzzles fun? Yes, they are. I've got the book mentioned, and from time to time I'll pick a problem and try to solve it. But if I had to solve one of these problems at work, I believe I'd be spending my time (which, by the way, is being paid by someone else) much more wisely by googling up a solution, rather than trying to solve it myself.

And that's the gist of it all. This kind of questions, or the "white board coding" mentioned in the article are unrepresentative because they are not representative (duh) of the work you'll be doing on a day-to-day basis. And that much can be said for the "memorization" tests, too. If your carry out your day-to-day work in an environment where you have no access to the internet, let alone to your tools' documentation, then, as the saying goes, "you're doing it wrong". You, and/or whoever is in charge of your work.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Logger wrapper concluded... for now

The result of this latest redesign is ready, and you can get it here.

lib_logger.h has grown quite a bit. In order to properly take advantage of __FILE__ and __LINE__ I needed to go with macros. Lots of macros, but the work in creating all these macros was softened by a little bit of perl scripting.

Note: I considered using __func__, as well, but since POCO's Logger doesn't support it, I'd have to manage that in my own Logger. However, I believe that my Logger's design goals don't include this kind of management; it's a bridge to an actual implementation, it should own nothing, and it should impose little to no unwanted weight on the client code. So, I've decided that if the client code needs __func__, it'll have to take care of it. __FILE__ and __LINE__ should be enough to follow a trail, if needed.

Another reason for this macro growth was that I wanted this to work with both GCC and MSVC. There is a difference between LoggerBridge<bool condition, etc> and the LoggerBridge<false, etc> specialization - the latter has no template functions. This poses no problem with GCC; since template functions have default template parameters, the call is similar for both template and non-template functions. On MSVC, however, template functions don't have default template parameters. Therefore, the call is object.function<type>() for one and object.function() for the other.

My first instinct was te change the specialization, changing its functions to template functions. But, after considering it further, I decided not to. Default template parameters for template functions are in the Standard, and (hopefully) sooner or later will also be in MSVC. Until then, the MSVC code will have more preprocessor "magic".

I've tested this in Qt Creator and MSVC, with my Logger (wrapper around POCO's Logger) and LoggerCout (minimum interface implementation), with values of 1 and 0 for WANT_LOGGING. All went as expected.

So, when all is said and done, what are the requirements for a client app that wants to replace the default Logger? Look at class LoggerCout for the minimum interface:

class LoggerCout
    explicit LoggerCout(std::string const&, char const* = nullptr);

    static void CreateLogger(std::string const&, std::string const&);

    bool IsCritical() const;
    bool IsDebug() const;
    bool IsError() const;
    bool IsFatal() const;
    bool IsInformation() const;
    bool IsNotice() const;
    bool IsTrace() const;
    bool IsWarning() const;

    void Critical(std::string const& msg);
    void Debug(std::string const& msg);
    void Error(std::string const& msg);
    void Fatal(std::string const& msg);
    void Information(std::string const& msg);
    void Notice(std::string const& msg);
    void Trace(std::string const& msg);
    void Warning(std::string const& msg);

I don't think that's unreasonable. Of course, any other functions you need will have to be added to LoggerBridge manually. Since I've started this redesign, I've seen Herb Sutter's 2012 concurrency presentation, and was intrigued by the wrapper design he presented, especially the part about the wrapper being completely oblivious to the wrapee's interface. I'll certainly investigate if I can adapt it here, although the absence of inlining (via the use of functors/function pointers) may make it unsuitable. Anyway, for now, this is what we have.

There's one final question I'll need to answer, and that's what I'll be working on next: How does this affect performance? I'll prepare some testing with the following scenarios:
  • No logging
  • Logging with this solution
  • Bypassing this solution and logging directly with POCO's Logger
As variations, some runs will have trivial processing, where logging should take up most of the work, and in others I'll simulate some heavy work, probably by use of sleep(). And I'll also test the use of POCO's AsyncChannel. This will give me some idea of what to expect.

Yep, I know, I finish a lot of these posts with a "Next, I'll do such and such". The truth is there's always work to be done. I like it that way.

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Logger - SFINAE solution for implementation selection

Before we continue, a quick recap:
  • We have some reusable code (a lib).
  • We want to add logging to it.
  • We want to allow the client app to replace the logger implementation.
In order to achieve the goal stated in the last point, we defined a minimum interface that the client app's logger will have to implement, and we'll now introduce a mechanism to make our lib decay into that interface, if the client app's logger doesn't implement our optimal interface.

As stated last time, we have this (slightly modified):

template<typename T, typename RESULT, 
    typename ARG1, typename ARG2, typename ARG3>
class DoesDebug
    template <typename U, RESULT (U::*)(ARG1, ARG2, ARG3)> struct Check;
    template <typename U> static char checkFn(Check<U, &U::Debug> *);
    template <typename U> static int checkFn(...);
    enum { Exist = sizeof(checkFn<T>(0)) == sizeof(char) };

This will be our basic workhorse, and we'll need one for each member function.

We'll put it to work with this:

DoesDebug<Logger, void, std::string const&, char const*, int>::Exist

Upon finding this expression, the compiler will generate DoesDebug like this:
  • typename T = Logger
  • typename RESULT = void
  • typename ARG1 = std::string const&
  • typename ARG2 = char const*
  • typename ARG3 = int
Now, the compiler must calculate DoesDebug<etc...>::Exist. That means, resolving checkFn<Logger>(0).

There are two candidates for this:
char checkFn(Check<U, &U::Debug> *);
int checkFn(...);

The second candidate will always be the last option for the compiler, because of its "..." argument. As for the first, it must instantiate the Check struct, like this:

template <Logger, void (Logger::*)(std::string const&, 
   char const*, int)> struct Check;

The compiler will only be able to instantiate this if &Logger::Debug can be matched with this member function pointer: void (Logger::*)(string const&, char const*, int). So, there must be an overload of Logger::Debug() that has this signature. If that is the case, the compiler successfully instantiates Check, which means sizeof(checkFn<T>(0)) is char, because that's the return type of the first overload of CheckFn; that means Exist is true, because:

Exist = sizeof(char) == sizeof(char)

On the other hand, if there is no Logger::Debug() with the required signature, the compiler can't instantiate struct Check, which means it can't instantiate the first checkFn overload, and it'll go with the second. This means sizeof(checkFn<T>(0)) is int, and Exist is false.

Hence, we have a way to check whether our lib's optimal interface exists. What we need now is a way to use it.

template <bool condition, typename LoggerImpl>
class LoggerBridge
    void Debug(std::string const& msg);

    template <typename LI = LoggerImpl>
    typename std::enable_if<DoesDebug<LI, void, std::string const&, 
        char const*, int>::Exist, void>::type
    Debug(std::string const&, char const*, int);

    template <typename LI = LoggerImpl>
    typename std::enable_if<!DoesDebug<LI, void, std::string const&, 
        char const*, int>::Exist, void>::type
    Debug(std::string const&, char const*, int);

    LoggerImpl l;

We'll use two identical versions of Debug(string const&, char const*, int), but using enable_if with opposed conditions (DoesDebug<> and !DoesDebug<>) ensures only one will be generated by the compiler.

These functions then become:

template <bool condition, typename T> template <typename LI>
typename std::enable_if<DoesDebug<LI, void, std::string const&,  
    char const*, int>::Exist, void>::type
LoggerBridge<condition, T>::Debug(const std::string& msg, char const* file, int line)
    l.Debug(msg, file, line);

template <bool condition, typename T> template <typename LI>
typename std::enable_if<!DoesDebug<LI, void, std::string const&, 
    char const*, int>::Exist, void>::type
LoggerBridge<condition, T>::Debug(const std::string& msg, char const*, int)

So, when DoesDebug is true, i.e., when the method LoggerImpl::Debug(string const&, char const*, int) exists, the compiler will use the first function; otherwise, it uses the second, which logs the message and ignores the remaining arguments. How? The template enable_if only has a type member when the condition is true. So, when the condition is false, type does not exist, which means the compiler excludes it from overload selection.

You'll notice the functions became template functions. My first version didn't work, and after some searching, I arrived here, where Johannes Schaub - litb answer explained why:
That's because when the class template is instantiated (which happens when you create an object of type Y<int> among other cases), it instantiates all its member declarations (not necessarily their definitions/bodies!).
You need to make the member templates' enable_if depend on a parameter of the member template itself.
So, the problem is that when the Debug() functions weren't templated, the compiler instantiated all of them when LoggerBridge was instantiated. That means both versions of Debug(string const& msg, char const* file, int line) were instantiated, and GCC complained that one could not be overloaded with the other. So, I changed the member functions to templates, in order to do this: "make the member templates' enable_if depend on a parameter of the member template itself".

After getting it to work with GCC, it was time to move over to MSVC. And solve some more problems, obviously. Actually, it was just one problem - warning/error C4519 default template arguments are only allowed on a class template, because of this:
Default template arguments for function templates     No     No
The two Nos refer to VC10 and VC11. So, I gathered, if I can't use default template arguments, I'll have to use them explicitly:

#ifdef _MSC_VER 
    template <typename LI>
    template <typename LI = LoggerImpl>
    typename std::enable_if<DoesDebug<LI, void, std::string const&,
        char const*, int>::Exist, void>::type
    Debug(std::string const&, char const*, int); 

And, on the call site:

#ifdef _MSC_VER 
    t.Debug<Logger>("String", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    t.Debug("String", __FILE__, __LINE__);

And there you go. I'm now checking how to hide this from the user, but here I'll probably cop out and use a #define. I'll use macros for creating the logger and calling the methods, anyway; there's no way I'm going to manually write all those __FILE__s and __LINE__s.

A few closing notes.
  • As I said, I'm adapting my Logger bare-bones example for this, and one thing I've already realized is the amount of boilerplate code is huge. It doesn't really bother me that much, because it's work I'll only do once. But it's still a lot more "code" than I expected.
  • All of the above may be obvious to anyone experienced in C++. However, what you read here reflects my first serious contact with templates, the previous contacts being the usual Oh-templates-are-very-useful-look-how-easily-you-can-create-a-container. And this was definitely my first contact with SFINAE. Two weeks ago, all I knew was I needed a way to select function implementations at compile time and that my cursory observation of enable_if, many months ago, showed it could be done. I'm infinitely grateful to all the folks throughout the web (on StackOverflow, on other programming forums, and on their personal sites/blogs) for taking the time to explain these concepts.
  • This solution seems better than what I have here, as far as boilerplate is concerned, but I didn't understand it completely. It's on my study list.

Friday, 24 May 2013

Logger - Automatic selection of implementation on compilation

Ah, redesign. Loads of fun, hey? So... what have I decided to change?

1. I'll reintroduce logging levels to the interface. However, I won't be keeping its state, I'll rely on the Logger implementation. The interface will be basic - a method that returns true or false for a particular logging level, something like:

if (log.IsDebug())

That way, we'll avoid creating a lovely - and, sometimes, expensive - log string for nothing.

Why had I removed this from the interface, in my previous redesign? Call it the allure of simplicity. Now, I'm reminded - again - that for every problem, there is a solution that is relatively easy, relatively simple, and relatively wrong. That's relativity for you.

2. I'll add a const char * to my Logger class. I'll initialize it with __FILE__, in the ctor. That means adding a second parameter to Logger's ctor, with nullptr as default. Since Logger's typical usage pattern is as a local, ownership is not a concern.

3. I'll add an int parameter to all logging methods. I plan to use it to pass __LINE__.

Points 2 and 3 got me thinking that I might be imposing an unnecessary burden on anyone wanting to use these classes with their own logger implementation. I probably am, by forcing them to implement an interface where they must have two params, instead of just one, even if they don't use it.


// My little lib
log.Debug("My little debug message", __LINE__);

Now, someone comes along and decides to use my little lib code, but supplying his own logger. Alas, his logger falls a little short on the int param department, and only has Debug(string). In order for this to build, he now has to add a useless default int parameter to his implementation. Once again, not earth-shattering, but can we avoid it?

Yes, we can (no relation), and that's what I've been doing all these days, figuring out how. Why all this time? Well...

On my previous post, I've mentioned my puny specialization trick as "template meta-programming" (TMP). I knew I it was a bit of an aggrandizement; I just didn't know how big this "bit" was, i.e., how puny my little trick was, when compared to proper TMP. And these past few days have provided a fantastic eye-opener, even though I've barely scratched the surface, as far as this theme goes.

You see, the obvious way to keep my code from imposing unnecessary requirements on any client app is to allow it to fall back to a "minimum common interface". Something like this:

template <bool condition, typename LoggerImpl>
void LoggerBridge<condition, LoggerImpl>::Debug(
    std::string const& msg, int line)
    if (LoggerImpl_has_full_interface)
        l.Debug(msg, file, line);

And, obviously, I'd like the if (LoggerImpl_has_full_interface) bit to be as automatic as possible.

The solution? SFINAE and definitely more TMP than am I used to. I have a POC ready, and I'm finishing the tests, before I post it here, and include it in my LoggerBridge/Logger.

As a final note, it took me longer because I didn't want just any solution. I chose a solution that I can understand. I've come across many others that worked, but weren't as intuitive as the one I selected.

I've chosen this one, from here:

template<typename T, typename RESULT, typename ARG1, typename ARG2, typename ARG3>
class HasDebug
    template <typename U, RESULT (U::*)(ARG1, ARG2, ARG3)> struct Check;
    template <typename U> static char checkFn(Check<U, &U::Debug> *);
    template <typename U> static int checkFn(...);
    enum { value = sizeof(checkFn<T>(0)) == sizeof(char) };

I can understand how this works, and I've managed to change it to create versions for const and static members (even though I'm still trying to figure out how the static version works).

With C++11 there are different ways of doing this, but I have to study those more closely. Like I said, this one is intuitive, works for all scenarios I imagined, and I understand it.

Also, this is not a subject where I plan to invest much of my time at this point. I can understand the concepts, and I believe they're extremely useful, but this is probably not the best way to realize their potential in a programming language. C++ should have a simpler way to achieve this.

So, let me get the Logger code ready, and - assuming no further problems - I'll explain the solution on my next post. If you're familiar with SFINAE, it'll all be old news for you.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Ever a duh! moment

So, after coming up with a great design I rode off into the sunset.

Of course, after the sunset there's always a sunrise. This particular sunrise caught me merrily peppering logging statements all over my SSH code, basking in the warm light of my brilliant design. Or maybe it was the warm light of the sunrise, I tend to get confused about which is which. And, suddenly (isn't that always the case?), something went click, like a brain cell waking up.

I'm using POCO Logger's poco_* macros. Convenient little buggers, actually. Here, take a look at one of them:

#define poco_debug(logger, msg) \
    if ((logger).debug()) (logger).debug(msg, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
    else (void) 0

Note the __FILE__ and __LINE__. Cool, heh? And now, note how my brilliant design cunningly takes advantage of it:

2013-05-14 13:26:18.228 [Debug] ... [../Logger/logger.h:46] LibClassSupport ctor ID: 11
2013-05-14 13:26:18.250 [Debug] ... [../Logger/logger.h:46] LibClassUtility1 ctor ID: 1
2013-05-14 13:26:18.283 [Debug] ... [../Logger/logger.h:46] LibClassSupport ctor ID: 21
2013-05-14 13:26:18.306 [Debug] ... [../Logger/logger.h:46] LibClassUtility2 ctor ID: 1
2013-05-14 13:26:18.412 [Debug] ... [../Logger/logger.h:46] LibClassMain ctor ID: 1
2013-05-14 13:26:18.474 [Debug] ... [../Logger/logger.h:46] LibClassSupport ctor ID: 12
2013-05-14 13:26:18.508 [Debug] ... [../Logger/logger.h:46] LibClassUtility1 ctor ID: 2
2013-05-14 13:26:18.541 [Debug] ... [../Logger/logger.h:46] LibClassSupport ctor ID: 22
2013-05-14 13:26:18.574 [Debug] ... [../Logger/logger.h:46] LibClassUtility2 ctor ID: 2
2013-05-14 13:26:18.608 [Debug] ... [../Logger/logger.h:46] LibClassMain ctor ID: 2

Yep, looking from this log excerpt, one would get the impression my code spends an awful lot of time in line 46 of logger.h (a definite performance bottleneck, if I ever saw one). One would be forgiven for such an impression, even though one would be wrong; in case you're wondering, this last one would be me.

Ah, well, back to the old drawing board. Still, if it wasn't for mistakes, how would I learn, right?

Hey, if it happens to Wile E. Coyote, super-genius, why wouldn't it happen to me?

Monday, 13 May 2013

Logger wrapper continued

So, we have our logger all figured out, and now we want to use it. We also want to control the inclusion/exclusion of logging code in our build, like this:

    // Logging code

And, as I said in the previous post, we'd like this to be centralized somewhere, so that we don't have to spread these #ifs all over our code. Since the logging code requires the #include of lib_logger.h, that's a good candidate for this centralization:

#define CREATE_LOGGER(logger_name, config_file) \
    LibLogger::CreateLogger(logger_name, config_file)
#define GET_LOGGER(logger_name) LibLogger LIB_LOGGER(logger_name)
#define LOG_INFORMATION(msg) LIB_LOGGER.Information(msg)
#define LOG_DEBUG(msg) LIB_LOGGER.Debug(msg)
#define CREATE_LOGGER(logger_name, config_file) ((void)0)
#define GET_LOGGER(logger_name) ((void)0)
#define LOG_INFORMATION(msg) ((void)0)
#define LOG_DEBUG(msg) ((void)0)

So, all we have to do is use CREATE_LOGGER, GET_LOGGER, etc. in our code, and it'll be automatically taken care of with a single #define.

There's a certain comfort in the use of macros, when it comes to code inclusion/exclusion, since the rules are simple. Still, I've always wanted to try some simple template meta-programming (TMP), and this looked like the perfect opportunity.

So, let's change our template class to this:

template <bool condition, typename LoggerImpl>
class LoggerBridge
    explicit LoggerBridge(std::string const& loggerName);

    static void CreateLogger(std::string const& loggerName, 
        std::string const& configFile);

    void Critical(std::string const& msg);
    void Debug(std::string const& msg);
    void Error(std::string const& msg);
    void Fatal(std::string const& msg);
    void Information(std::string const& msg);
    void Notice(std::string const& msg);
    void Trace(std::string const& msg);
    void Warning(std::string const& msg);
    LoggerImpl l;

We've added a bool argument to our template. Our goal is that when that argument is true, the compiler generates logging code; and when it's false, it doesn't. In order to achieve that, we'll add a specialization.

template <typename LoggerImpl>
class LoggerBridge<false, LoggerImpl>
    explicit LoggerBridge(std::string /*const& loggerName*/) {}

    static void CreateLogger(std::string /*const& loggerName*/,  
        std::string const& /*configFile*/) {}

    void Critical(std::string const& /*msg*/) {}
    void Debug(std::string const& /*msg*/) {}
    void Error(std::string const& /*msg*/) {}
    void Fatal(std::string const& /*msg*/) {}
    void Information(std::string const& /*msg*/) {}
    void Notice(std::string const& /*msg*/) {}
    void Trace(std::string const& /*msg*/) {}
    void Warning(std::string const& /*msg*/) {}

When the bool parameter is false, our class will contain nothing, and it will do - quite unsurprisingly - nothing.

So, if we change lib_logger.h to this

#include "logger.h"
#include "loggerbridge.h"
typedef Lib::LoggerBridge<false, Lib::Logger> LibLogger;

and rebuild, running the .o files through nm will show no sign of Logger. You'll still find Logger symbols on the .exe because we didn't exclude Logger.h and Logger.cpp from the build, but if you do it (e.g., commenting their lines on the SOURCES and HEADERS variables, in Qt Creator's .pro file), then this: nm Logger.exe | grep -i 3lib6logger will produce no results.

The funny-looking 3lib6logger identifies Lib::Logger symbols, after mangling occurs. E.g.:

00403c70 T __ZN3Lib6Logger12CreateLoggerERKSsS2_
00403a60 T __ZN3Lib6LoggerC1Ev

You can run these symbols through c++filt, to demangle them

>c++filt __ZN3Lib6Logger12CreateLoggerERKSsS2_

Lib::Logger::CreateLogger(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, 
    std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, 
    std::allocator<char> > const&)

>c++filt __ZN3Lib6LoggerC1Ev


BTW, when running c++filt on valid mangled names (say, a name you got from nm's output or out of the disassembly window in a debugging session), if you're getting no results and if the name has leading underscores, use the -n option.

So, compiling LoggerBridge with false gives us the same result as using macros, and with an amount of TMP small enough not to overwhelm a beginner like me.

Now, we can do something like this in lib_logger.h:

#include "logger.h"
#include "loggerbridge.h"
typedef Lib::LoggerBridge<WANT_LOGGING, Lib::Logger> LibLogger;

According to the value we #define for WANT_LOGGING, 1 (true) or 0 (false), we'll instantiate the general LoggerBridge template (with logging functionality) or our specialization (with no functionality).

We could add further complexity to these rules. If we used a char instead of a bool, we could define specializations based on logging level - logging levels 0 and MAX would be the false and true cases above, and the levels in-between would require further specializations, with some methods having empty bodies and others performing actual logging. E.g. (assuming 1 is Fatal and 8 is Trace):

template <typename LoggerImpl>
class LoggerBridge<4, LoggerImpl>
    explicit LoggerBridge(std::string /*const& loggerName*/) {}

    static void CreateLogger(std::string /*const& loggerName*/, 
        std::string const& /*configFile*/) {}

    void Critical(std::string const& msg);
    void Debug(std::string const& /*msg*/) {}
    void Error(std::string const& msg);
    void Fatal(std::string const& msg);
    void Information(std::string const& /*msg*/) {}
    void Notice(std::string const& /*msg*/) {}
    void Trace(std::string const& /*msg*/) {}
    void Warning(std::string const& msg);
    LoggerImpl l;

So, we get logging code for Fatal, Critical, Error, and Warning, and all other functions are empty. I don't see much use for this, so I'll stick with the bool version.

You can find the code here.